The term Visitor Management Systems might sound fairly new, but this is actually done in practice by several companies for a long time. Like when you walk into a hotel lobby, what do you usually see and where do you usually go to ask for assistance? To the reception desk of course. Some malls also have a concierge desk where visitors can go and ask personnel about directions, mall shows and cinema schedules.

Unfortunately, many companies abandon the importance of a Visitor Management System because it is sometimes misunderstood as a type of system that is only applicable for companies that are in the tourism and hospitality industry, while some think that it only applies to big-time offices and buildings.

Of course, that is just a misconception. A Visitor Management System can be used in every company or office regardless of industry. This should be done to welcome visitors, make them comfortable, and attend to their needs or concerns.

Your company might not get visitors often, but hopeful applicants, family members and friends of employees, prospective clients, partners, solicitors and even delivery guys can benefit if you have an efficient visitor management system in place. This is because:

It serves as a frontline for issues and collaborations.

Anyone who has scheduled a meeting or is interested to apply in the company would not know where to go if it is their first time to step foot into the office. With a receptionist, they can be easily guided towards who or where they should go to air their concerns. This also goes the same for prospective clients and business partners who needs to be acquainted with the right staff and department that they can work with.

It creates a better customer/client experience.

Since somebody is ready to guide the visitor on what to do and where to go, it makes their transaction smoother and less time consuming. They would not be going from person to person or from one department to another upon arriving in the office.

It gives a warm and good impression of the company.

This is part of cultivating a good brand image. Accommodating visitors and giving them the right directions to accomplish their concerns in the office makes transactions easier and smoother – giving an impression of efficiency and good customer engagement.

It can serve as a first step towards building a good rapport.

Such good impressions work well for potential clients and business partners who are thinking of collaborating with the company. First, they won’t feel rejected or confused once they bring their business or proposal into the company because they can go straight to the right staff or department right away. Second, they will be more inclined to come back and visit again because of their pleasant experience.

It can give points of improvement.

A receptionist can also be the frontline when it comes to visitor/customer feedback. This can be done by including it in a logbook where all walk-in visitors are recorded. The recorded feedback can then be used by the company when it comes to making improvements in services and engagement.

For small companies, a sole receptionist will do fine. For bigger offices and companies however, a receptionist and an ‘usherette’ might be needed to guide the visitor towards the right part of the building and introduce him/her to the employee who can address their concern or purpose for visiting.

Jessica Radburn is a seasoned writer who excels in writing interesting articles using extensive research. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is currently engaged in a company that helps provide technological assistance through useful tips and tricks. Check out her company here.